
Who are we?


EZTutor is a local tutoring organization based in Coppell, Texas that provides educational services to students in the DFW area.

EZTutor is special in the way that its sessions are structured. We have recognized that adult instructors from tutoring companies cannot address the questions of every individual in a room and are often out of touch with grade school material; for that reason, our tutors are top high school students who continuously excel in the classroom. With EZTutor, each of our sessions are catered to the needs of the client in regards to both content and accessibility. Clients can choose where and when they would like to have their sessions and can choose the speed at which they would like to be taught to ensure maximum learning efficiency.

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What were my responsibilities?

In 2017, I was on the managing team of three who drowned ourselves in gallons of Starbucks for days to transform this organization into a renowned tutoring business. In the two years that I was on the managing team, our team grew to over 130 tutors from 7 different cities.

Additionally, I was the head of tutor management and marketing of the company. I led several projects such as the idea of a mentoring service, the creation of a communication platform for our tutors, and the redesign of our new website. I also implemented many marketing strategies to increase our projected sales by over 180% in the new school year. All in all, I was the face of EZTutor in the DFW area as I address questions and concerns from clients to maintain EZTutor’s excellent reputation.


While I was on the team, projects that I included were:

1. Designing a new website that simplifies the tutor booking process.

2. Creating easy to follow YouTube videos that help tutors get started on tasks such as filling out their Square schedule.

3. Developing a prospective mentoring service, EZMentorz, that would help high school students gain knowledge from those in college who have gone through the same high school experience.

4. Receiving finalist honors for the Global Student Entrepreneurship Award (Dallas area).

5. Attained $80,000 in gross sales from August 2018-August 2019 and projected $200,000 in gross sales from August 2019-August 2020.